There is light at the end of every tunnel. Let's get you there.

If you are reading this you have probably got to a point where you feel like you need to talk to someone. 

This realisation may have grown over time, or it might be the result of a recent event. Either way, and whether you have had counselling before or not, the process of finding the right counsellor can be daunting and confusing. 

You have already taken the first step. I hope this website gives you most of the information you need to get an idea of how I work. I work with a broad range of issues including anxiety and depression and have a special interest in working with people experiencing life changes, neurodiversity, parenting/fertility issues, menopause, or illness such as cancer. Please see the ‘About me’ page for more information.

I would be happy to talk through any questions or concerns you have. Please do get in touch.


©Nathalie Skelton

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