Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

If you think I might be the right person for you, please send me an email or text message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  I offer a free 20 minute introductory call in which we can discuss your needs and you can ask any questions you may have.  If it feels right, we can then set a time to meet up for our first session, either in person in Guildford or Godalming, or online.

How much will it cost?

I charge £75 for a 50 minute appointment.

Concessionary rates are available for trainee counsellors.

I ask for payment to be made 24 hours in advance of each session, preferably by bank transfer. Alternatively, you can pay by card or cash on arrival.

What happens if I need to cancel?

Therapy works best on a weekly basis and requires a certain level of commitment for it to be effective. Gaps between appointments, albeit sometimes unavoidable, can disrupt the flow and progress made through meeting at regular intervals. 

I will reserve an appointment time for you at the same time each week.  If you cannot make a session I require 48 hours’ notice, otherwise the hour will be charged in full. I will try to offer an alternative time within the same week but cannot guarantee this. Your weekly appointment slot is reserved just for you and no one else. This means that I can accommodate a maximum of two cancellations (with notice) in a two-month period. Any other missed or cancelled sessions will be charged in full. If I am ill or on holiday you will not be charged for sessions missed.

How many sessions will I need?

Every individual is different, as are the issues they bring and the goals they want to achieve. I offer both long and short-term therapy. In both instances, a commitment to continuous attendance is essential for the work of therapy to be effective. Therapy can be unsettling, and it can take time to feel the results. I therefore recommend beginning with 6 sessions and then reviewing our progress every 4 sessions after that.

How often should I attend?

I will reserve a space for you at the same time each week.  Regular attendance is the most effective way to make progress – irregular meetings and gaps can make you feel like you are losing ground or have to start all over again.  Some people request fortnightly sessions, usually as we start ending our work together, or for other reasons.  We can discuss this.

Where will we meet?

I am based in Godalming and Guildford and can also meet you online via Zoom or FaceTime.  Please see the ‘Locations’ page for more information.

How confidential will our meetings be?

As a qualified Psychotherapist/Counsellor and member of the BACP (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists), I am bound to keep anything you say completely confidential.  There are some legal exceptions, such as terrorism or money laundering, which I will outline to you before we start.

©Nathalie Skelton

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